Greetings to all our Friends, Families and Supporters
Many Ngabe homes do not have running water, so they locate to lower areas, near streams.
We sure have been inundated with lots of torrential rains; To date there have been about (37) tropical depressions that affected us!
This past week we have had to endure the backlash of rain and fog-like conditions of Julia, as she moved through Guatemala and adjoining Latin American Countries. We will assess where we can effectively use some of our resources to rebuild.
Our work continues with the (2) Feeding Programs we support monthly; one is in San Felix in the Annex of the Tabernacle of Adoration, bearing the name: Comodo Infantil Ngabe Bugle, Oma.
The Temple Of Adoration Pastor Manuel Andrades; reports that the water well that Cleft Of the Rock Ministries installed in 2017 is functioning as it should. Good clean water and electricity to power it!
The other Feeding Program is also afterschool at CHORCHA; here the number varies as there are several Orphan children along with others from the community that attend and follow a structured program of learning.
The name of the Chorcha Program is; Proeducann…SJR
The afterschool program is beneficial as it provides a meal for the children that they may not get under normal conditions, while at the same time helps them to develop better reading and writing skills and teaching of Creation and who God is! We will be supplying learning materials as this activity is not government sponsored.
All of the activities are knit together in one LOCATION that has a feeding & learning center, a small greenhouse and;
We will be drilling a water well there in CHORCHA… home of PROEDUCANN…SJR Funding is already secured!
The only obstacle is to overcome, is the rain and treacherous roads.
We trust that all of you are enjoying the “Fall Weather” wherever you are located!